best time to travel to South Korea?
This is the Loah family.
Today, I suddenly remembered something important about the weather when traveling in Korea, so I wanted to share it with you.
Korea has 4 distinct seasons: spring, summer, fall, and winter.
Usually from March to May = Spring
June to August = Summer
September to November = fall
December to February = winter.
The best time to travel is between March and May,
September through October is the best.
especially from mid-March to mid-April when the beautiful flowers bloom.
Flowers are blooming everywhere you look.
It’s an exciting time of year for many Koreans.
Morning temperatures in Seoul range from about 5 to 10 degrees Celsius, with daytime temperatures around 15 degrees Celsius.
However, starting in May, daytime temperatures can reach at least 20 to 30 degrees Celsius.
Although summer starts in June, it starts to get a little hotter in May.
The best dates to travel to South Korea are from mid-March to mid-May.
2. Summer
The summer season has its own characteristics.
It’s very humid and hot in Korea, with the hottest weather from early July to late August.
Morning temperatures range from 20 to 25 degrees Celsius, and afternoon temperatures range from 30 to 36 degrees Celsius.
It can feel especially hot because of the high humidity.
If you’re traveling to Korea after living in a very hot country near the equator, you’ll be fine,
July and August are generally not the best months for touring Seoul.
Instead, you’re better off exploring the beautiful Korean island of Jeju, or the beautiful valleys and oceans of Korea.
Oh, and the mountains.
In Korea, there are some differences by region, but if you take Seoul as an example,
the rainy season is from late June to mid-July.
In Korean, this is called the “jangma”.
The dates vary slightly from year to year, but it’s usually very humid and rainy from late June to mid-July.
It doesn’t come every day, but if you look at the Korea Meteorological Administration,
It rains often.
But don’t worry too much
The Korean Meteorological Agency has lost credibility with the general public, so they are scaring the general public like that.
Even though the weather looks like that, sometimes it is sunny for 2-4 days in a row hahahaha.
People go out to play because the Korea Meteorological Administration says it won’t rain, and then when it does, they complain a lot.
So the Korea Meteorological Administration made an announcement that it will be cloudy or rainy if there is even a slight chance.
If you’re worried about the weather, drop me a line and I can get you an accurate forecast.
During the summer months, the
This is the current weather on 7/8/23. It’s 25 degrees Celsius in the morning and 31 degrees during the day.
The humidity is between 60% and 70%. It’s a little too hot to be outside for more than an hour or two.
Be sure to schedule indoor activities in between.
3. fall
Next up is fall in South Korea.
Fall in South Korea is a great time to travel.
In particular, I recommend mid-September to late October.
This is when you can see the beautiful scenery from the many mountains in Korea.
Many Koreans travel during this time to see the beautiful falling leaves.
The weather is cool, and it doesn’t rain much.
In mid-September, it is around 20 degrees Celsius in the morning and 25 degrees during the day.
From October, the temperature gradually decreases,
10 degrees Celsius in the morning and 20 degrees Celsius in the afternoon.
This is the time of year when the weather is good everywhere and Koreans are traveling around the country.
I mentioned earlier that flowers are beautiful to look at in the spring,
but there are also flowers that bloom beautifully in the fall.
However, in spring, flowers bloom beautifully around the house, supermarket, and bus stop,
In the fall, they bloom in the mountains and fields.
Autumn lasts until November, but it actually starts to get cold in mid-November.
We recommend traveling in early November at the latest.
Klook.comFrom mid-November onwards, morning temperatures can sometimes drop to 0 degrees Celsius. Usually
5 degrees Celsius in the morning and 15 degrees Celsius at afternoon.
Many South Koreans start wearing light coats in November.
4.Let’s introduce winter.
This is the Korean winter, which runs from December to February.
Korea is a country with extreme temperatures, reaching up to 35 degrees Celsius in the summer and as low as -18 degrees Celsius in the winter.
However, Korea is very well equipped with air conditioning and heating in homes and buildings,
and there are plenty of places to rest outside, so you don’t have to worry too much.
My Thai and Vietnamese friends even travel from hot countries to Korea in December and January to see the winter snow.
This is Loah’s mom in mid-December.
This is when you start wearing a slightly thicker coat or jumper.
You’re on a cold winter date in February.
A thick jumper is a must at this time~.
Winter in Korea is the coldest from the beginning of January to the end of January.
Especially in mid-January, it can be around minus 18 degrees Celsius, as shown in the photo above, and minus 13 during the day.
From mid-December through February, there are occasional snow days.
If you want to see snow in the Korean winter, January is the best time to visit.
It snows in February, but if you really want to see it, January is the best time.
However, it’s a bit cold in January hahahahaha.
If you want to see snow in winter, but are afraid of being too cold, I recommend going in late December or early to mid-February.
Even though it’s so cold, you can smell the smell of spring from the end of February.
and from March onwards, flowers will be blooming.
That was a long story!
To summarize the story!
If you want to experience the general Korean culture and do a lot of outside activities, I recommend mid-March to May,
September-October is recommended.
Especially from the end of June to mid-July is the rainy season.
It hasn’t been a problem in the past, but lately there have been some very rainy days in early August and late August.
If you have any more questions, please leave them in the comments
If I know, I’ll let you know.
I’ll leave you with a link to the Korea Meteorological Administration site.~~
Next time, we’ll visit another place with Loah and introduce you to some cool places.